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At Warren Farm Primary School, we believe that regular school attendance is key for our children to achieve their potential. Pupils with good attendance records benefit from:

  • maximising educational opportunities
  • developing good habits for Secondary School/ adult life
  • making and maintaining friendships

We encourage and reward our good attenders in our assemblies on a whole class basis. 

Our target attendance is 96%

Here is how you can help your children and our school achieve this!

  • Be on time- school doors open at 8.40am and are closed promptly at 8.50am when learning begins. If your child arrives after 8.50am they must enter school via the school office.
  • Please ensure that non-urgent appointments (eg. routine dental/ medical) are made out of school times where possible. If this is unavoidable- please provide copies of appointment letters/ cards.
  • Do not book holidays in term time, in line with the Government ruling, these will not be authorised and Penalty notices and fines will be issued where appropriate. 
  • Inform the school of absences, providing valid reasons- this must be done each day as early as possible. Please call the school office on 0121 373 3885.

End of day punctuality

The school day finishes at 3.20pm and it is also important for children to be collected promptly at this time. If you are persistently late to pick up your child, this will result in a meeting with SLT to resolve the issue.

Our full attendance policy can be found below: